Meyer Sound prosessointiseminaari 24-25.11. Studiotecissä
Meyer Sound D-Mitri prosessointiseminaarissa tutustutaan D-Mitrin mahdollisuuksiin, mm Wild Tracks ja SpaceMap ohjelmointiin ja suunnitteluun.
Osallistujilta odotetaan monikanavaäänen tuntemusta. Seminaari on englanninkielinen.
D-Mitri Training and Applications
This comprehensive seminar covers programming, operation, and maintenance of the D-Mitri audio show control system. Topics include system configuration, Wild Tracks programming, and SpaceMap designs. Course size is kept small in order to facilitate hands-on instruction.
This seminar is designed for sound designers, audio engineers, lead audio technicians, senior maintenance technicians, and advanced audio students. Attendees should have prior education in audio fundamentals and acoustics, or equivalent experience. Each student should also come prepared with a laptop computer running Windows XP, Mac OSX, or SuSE Linux and have a working network interface.